What Resources Do You Recommend to Share the Gospel with Muslims?

The following resources are recommended by David Knauss (former missionary and friend of EPM)

1.  They can be directed to Zacharia Boutros, an Egyptian Coptic priest who speaks directly to the holes in Islam. He is direct—and some say eccentric—but he is effective.  He has a Middle Eastern way about him. There are videos available on Youtube.

2. Books:

Glad News!: God Loves You My Muslim Friend by Samy Tanagho

Facing the Muslim Challenge by John Gilchrist

Healing The Broken Family of Abraham: New Life for Muslims by Don McCurry

3. Websites:


www.crescentproject.org/index.cfm/PageID/2091/index.html (Video resources)

www.crescentproject.org/index.cfm/PageID/1549/index.html  (This has evangelistic gift packs—excellent resource)

 www.farsinet.com/ici/catalog/muslim_evang.html (this is a list of booklets)

 www.fatherzakaria.net  (Full of books, videos and downloads that can be reproduced—and other resources—like websites that directly deal with evangelism of Muslims)

My experience has shown that believers in that local area know what the real issues are and how to address them. Any local literature would probably be best but the above resources would be better than nothing. God uses literature in many ways and it is wonderful to give out pamphlets, books, and videos in Muslim evangelism.
