Do You Think Professional Sports Teams with Christian Athletes Have an Advantage?

Question from a reader:

Do you think professional sports teams with Christian athletes have an advantage?

Answer from Randy Alcorn:

If every player on one team were an atheist and everyone on the other loved Jesus, I would never assume that the team with the believers would win. :) It’s funny, because while that should be a given, I think many actually feel the opposite. Recently before a Seahawks vs. Broncos football game, I posted a video on FaceBook of some of the Seahawks players talking about Jesus. Some of the comments were similar to this one: “Well, I guess the Broncos may as well stay home”.

Not once have I ever thought that a Christian will win because God will make him win. That’s prosperity theology. Often the most Christlike responses are not in the winning but the losing. Tim Tebow is out of the NFL, but how he responds and the life he lives will have greater impact, not less, even if it’s less visible. In any sports competition I always pray that believers on both teams will make Jesus known. When that “quiet faith” of just being a good example never involves words it can’t have much impact. The gospel is far more than words, yet it is “good news,” and news involves words.

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries
