每天都应牢记的六大永恒真理 (Six Eternal Truths to Remember Each Day)


今天的趋势是不再专注我们永恒的未来(谁会在乎那美好的将来呢?)而是我们当下的处境,仿佛这个世界就是我们的居所。可是圣经说,我们应该用永恒的未来引导并决定我们今生的品格,落实到我们所说的话语和所采取的行动上(雅各书 2:12;彼得后书 3:11-12)。


1. 人永恒的归宿只有两个——天堂或地狱——而我和我所认识的每个人都会去到其中一处。

你们要进窄门。因为引到灭亡,那门是宽的,路是大的,进去的人也多;引到永生,那门是窄的,路是小的,找着的人也少(马太福音 7:13-14)。


今生摆在我们面前的现实选择既美好又可怕。有鉴于我们这两个可能的必然归宿,难道每个人不都当竭力付出代价避免下地狱,而努力进入天堂吗?只是这个代价已经有人付出了。“因为你们是重价买来的”(哥林多前书 6:20)。那付上的重价——就是神儿子耶稣基督的宝血。


并不是所有的道路都通往天堂,唯有借着耶稣基督才可能。他说:“若不借着我,没有人能到父那里去”(约翰福音 14:6)。所有其他的道路都通向地狱。地狱的真实性应该让我们心碎,使我们屈膝,走到那些还没有基督的人的门前。

2. 这个世界(现在的样子)并不是我的居所,其中一切都将被焚烧,唯有永恒的得以存留。

但主的日子要像贼来到一样。那日,天必大有响声废去,有形质的都要被烈火销化,地和其上的物都要烧尽了。这一切既然都要如此销化,你们为人该当怎样圣洁,怎样敬虔,切切仰望神的日子来到!在那日,天被火烧就销化了,有形质的都要被烈火焚烧(彼得后书 3:10-12)。

这地已经被我们的罪所败坏(创世记 3:17)。因此,现今(在咒诅之下)的世界并不是我们的居所。唯有那曾经和将临的世界才是我们的居所。我们在今生都是天路客,不是因为我们永恒的居所完全不在这地上,只是因为我们永恒的居所不是现在的地球。它在过去是,将来会是,但现在不是。

神说现今的世界都要被烈火销化(彼得后书 3:10)。保罗说神圣洁的火会吞灭我们草,木,禾秸的工程。然而,他也告诉我们,有一些能在火中存留,并进入新天新地——也就是用金,银和宝石所做的(哥林多前书 3:12)。

永远长存的是什么?不是你的车,房,学位,奖杯或事业。永远长存的,是每次你对有需之人的服侍,每次你为叫饥饿者肚腹得饱的钱财奉献,每一杯给口渴之人的凉水,每一次对宣教的投资,每一次为有需要之人的代祷,每一次在宣教中所付出的努力,以及每一次对宝贵的孩子的关爱——哄他们入睡,给他们换尿布。圣经说,我们今生所种的,要在永生里收取(加拉太书 6:7-8)。

3. 我今生的选择和行为会直接影响到世界和即将到来的生命。

看哪,我必快来!赏罚在我,要照各人所行的报应他(启示录 22:12)。



4. 我的生命为神所鉴察,他是那唯一的观众,也唯有他的赞赏是我生命中最为重要的事。

这样看来,我们各人必要将自己的事在神面前说明(罗马书 14:12)。


我们应该提醒自己圣经说为基督作为愚拙的是什么意思(哥林多前书 1:18-31;4:8-13)。问题并不在于我们是否看来愚拙——这倒是肯定的——而是我们在什么时候被什么人看为是愚拙的。宁可现在被别人的视作愚拙——包括别的基督徒——也不要在唯一那位观众眼中被视为永远的愚拙。

5. 神大有主权,我可以信靠他在叫一切的事情——包括那最困难的事情——互相效力,使我得益处。

我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处,就是按他旨意被召的人(罗马书 8:28)。


或许作为基督追随者的我们来说,能否相信罗马书 8:28真理最大试炼就是,找出那些发生在我们身上最糟糕的事,然后问问自己是否相信神的旨意最终会让这些事情使我们得益处。圣经明确地表示他必如此行。我们没有理由认为,他在这件事的作为会比他的任何其他应许更不可信。让我们凭着信心在今天就相信,当我们在永恒回顾过去时,会看见罗马书 8:28是何等的真实!

6. 新天新地会将成为我最终的居所,在那里我将看到神,享受他的同在,并在复活之人的社会中以新造之人的身份侍奉他。

但我们照他的应许,盼望新天新地,有义居在其中(彼得后书 3:13)。



Six Eternal Truths to Remember Each Day

A startling thing has happened among modern Christians in the western world. Many of us habitually think and act as if there is no eternity—or, as if what we do in this present life has no bearing on eternity. 

The trend today is to focus not on our eternal future (who cares about the “sweet bye and bye”?) but our present circumstances, as if this world were our home. Yet Scripture states the reality of our eternal future should dominate and determine the character of our present life, right down to the words we speak and the actions we take (James 2:122 Peter 3:11–12).

Let’s be sure to remind ourselves today—and every day—of “the real thing.” Here are six eternal truths to remember:

1. There are only two eternal destinations—Heaven or Hell—and I and every person I know will go to one or the other.

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it (Matthew 7:1314).

Both Heaven and Hell touch Earth—an in-between world leading directly into one or the other. The best of life on Earth is a glimpse of Heaven; the worst of life is a glimpse of Hell. For Christians, this present life is the closest they will come to Hell. For unbelievers, it is the closest they will come to Heaven.

The reality of the choice that lies before us in this life is both wonderful and awful. Given the certainty of our two possible destinations, shouldn’t every person be willing to pay any price to avoid Hell and go to Heaven? And yet, the price has already been paid. “You were bought at a price” (1 Corinthians 6:20). The price paid was exorbitant—the shed blood of God’s Son, Jesus Christ.

Consider the wonder of it: God determined that He would rather go to Hell on our behalf than live in Heaven without us. He so much wants us not to go to Hell that He paid a horrible price on the cross so that we wouldn’t have to.

All roads do not lead to Heaven. Only one does: Jesus Christ. He said, “No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). All other roads lead to Hell. The reality of Hell should break our hearts and take us to our knees and to the doors of those without Christ. 

2. This world (as it is now) is not my home and everything in it will burn, leaving behind only what’s eternal.

The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming (2 Peter 3:1012).

Earth has been damaged by our sin (Genesis 3:17). Therefore, the earth as it is now (under the Curse) is not our home. The world as it was, and as it will be, is our home. We are pilgrims in this life, not because our home will never be on Earth, but because our eternal home is not currently on Earth. It was and it will be, but it’s not now.

God says this present earth will be consumed by fire (2 Peter 3:10). Paul says the fire of God’s holiness will consume whatever we’ve done that amounts to wood, hay, and straw. But he tells us there’s something that will survive the fire and go right into the new heavens and new earth—works of gold, silver, and precious stones (1 Corinthians 3:12).

What will last for eternity? Not your car, house, degrees, trophies, or business. What will last for eternity is every service to the needy, every dollar donated to feed the hungry, every cup of cold water given to the thirsty, every investment in missions, every prayer for the needy, every effort spent in evangelism, and every moment caring for precious children—including rocking them to sleep and changing their diapers. The Bible says we’ll reap in eternity what we’ve planted in this life (Galatians 6:7–8).

3. My choices and actions in this life have a direct influence on the world and the life to come.

Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay everyone for what he has done (Revelation 22:12).

What we do in this life is of eternal importance. You and I will never have another chance to move the hand of God through prayer to heal a hurting soul, share Christ with one who can be saved from hell, care for the sick, serve a meal to the starving, comfort the dying, rescue the unborn, translate the Scriptures, bring the gospel to an unreached people group, further God’s kingdom, open our homes, or share our clothes and food with the poor and needy.

When we view today in light of the long tomorrow, the little choices become tremendously important. Whether I read my Bible today, pray, go to church, share my faith, and give my money—actions graciously empowered not by my flesh but by His Spirit—is of eternal consequence, not only for other souls, but for mine.

4. My life is being examined by God, the Audience of One, and the only appraisal of my life that will ultimately matter is His.

So then each of us will give an account of himself to God (Romans 14:12).

Ask yourself whether you are living for the approval of this culture, or for the approval of Jesus. Then ask yourself, “In the end whose judgment seat will I stand before?” We are to live out our lives before the Audience of One. His approval is the one that matters. If our goal is to hear others say, “Well done,” we won’t do what we need to do to hear Him say it.

We should remind ourselves of what the Bible says about being fools for Christ (1 Corinthians 1:18–314:8-13). The question is not whether we will be seen as fools—that part is certain—but when and to whom we will be seen as fools. Better to be seen as fools now in the eyes of other people—including other Christians—than to be seen as fools forever in the eyes of the Audience of One.  

5. God is sovereign, and I can trust that He is working all things—including the most difficult things—in my life together for good.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

In the midst of a world that groans under suffering and evil, God’s main concern is conforming His children to the image of Christ. And He works through the challenging circumstances of our lives to help develop that Christlikeness in us. We can be assured that whatever difficulty He has allowed in our lives has been Father-filtered, through His fingers of wisdom and love.

Perhaps the greatest test of whether we who are Christ’s follow­ers believe the truth of Romans 8:28 is to identify the very worst things that have ever happened to us, then to ask whether we believe God will in the end somehow use those things for our good. The Bible is emphatic that He will. We have no reason to think He’ll be any less trustworthy concerning this than with any other promise He has made. By faith let’s trust Him today that in eternity we’ll look back and see, in retrospect, how Romans 8:28 was absolutely true!

6. My ultimate home will be the New Earth, where I will see and enjoy God and serve Him as a resurrected being in a resurrected human society.

But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells (2 Peter 3:13).

Is resurrected living in a resurrected world with the resurrected Christ and his resurrected people your daily longing and hope? Is it part of the gospel you share with others? Paul says that the resurrection of the dead is the hope in which we were saved. It will be the glorious climax of God’s saving work that began at our regeneration. It will mark the final end of any and all sin that separates us from God. In liberating us from sin and all its consequences, the resurrection will free us to live with God, gaze on Him, and enjoy His uninterrupted fellowship forever, with no threat that anything will ever again come between us and Him.


Photo: unsplash

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries