From Sexual Slavery to Restoration and Rebirth

From Sexual Slavery to Restoration and Rebirth

article - Linda Smith
Shared Hope International began its ministry of rescuing and restoring women and children who have been victims of sex trafficking by opening the first Home of Hope in India in 1998. Asha Grahm, or Village of Hope, has since grown into a 72-acre development two hours north of Mumbai. It’s through this facility that a young lady named Ganga was given the opportunity to escape sexual slavery and begin a new life nearly eight years ago.
How Can We Help Churches in the Soviet Union?

How Can We Help Churches in the Soviet Union?

article - Randy Alcorn
Randy Alcorn traveled to the Soviet Union in 1991. "The book of Acts." That's what kept going through my mind. I've never seen greater spiritual hunger and works of the Holy Spirit than in the Soviet Union these lasts few weeks. I got home yesterday and my mind is still spinning. Lenin is the false God, the antichrist of Marxism. Note the biblical ring to this Russian saying: "Lenin was, and is, and evermore shall be." Lenin promised a thousand-year reign of communism, and the death of Christianity. It's been seventy years, and the people are sick ...
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