Will a Believer Be Rewarded for the Good Things They Did Before the Day of Their Salvation?

article - Stephanie Anderson
I've read Randy’s book Managing God's Money, and it's awesome. I have a question: if a sinner does good deeds for years, like giving to the poor, then gets saved but dies a month later, will God reward him only for the good deeds done that one month he was a Christian? Or God will reward that person for all the good deeds in his lifetime, even before he became a Christian?

Notre destination par défaut est-elle le Paradis...ou l'Enfer? (Is Heaven Our Default Destination...Or Is Hell?)

article - Randy Alcorn
C.S. Lewis a écrit : « The safest road to hell is the gradual one—the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts ». On pourrait traduire cette phrase comme ceci : « La route la plus sûre vers l'Enfer est celle qui est progressive : une pente douce, agréable sous le pied, sans virage serré, sans borne kilométrique, sans panneau indicateur. »
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