Help for Women Under Stress: Now Available from EPM

Help for Women Under StressIt’s been twenty-eight years since I originally wrote Women Under Stress with my wife Nanci, and it’s been out of print for nearly twenty. When the book originally came out I had only one book in print, and it had sold maybe 10,000 copies. Women Under Stress went out of print before any of my books made the bestsellers list. By God’s grace over 12 million copies of my books are now in print. Hence, relatively few people who have read my later books have read this one.

Why a book on stress for women? While men and women have common stressors, there are significant differences between how and why they experience stress. Most of the research on stress has been done on men. Nevertheless, stress is chronic among women and, in our experience, it’s most often women who cry out for help.

When people asked how a man could possibly write about women and stress, I pointed out that I was the author of many years of stress for my mother. Nanci would no doubt vouch for the stress I’ve brought into her life. And by the time they were teenagers I’m sure my beloved daughters Karina and Angela would say I had put them under stress (especially when I insisted on going through a sixteen-page handout with each boy they dated). So I do have some credentials when it comes to women and stress!

Since this book has been unavailable for twenty years, and yet most of it is as relevant as when it first came out, it seemed time for a resurrection, and a thorough update and revision. We’re republishing this because—not surprisingly—women are still under stress! And perhaps, in our ever-changing, media-saturated, fast-paced world, they’re under more stress than ever.

Nanci helped me a great deal with the original book’s research and we talked through every chapter. The writing fell to me. I see now how my writing style has changed over the years, hopefully for the better! I was glad to do what I could to improve the book.

Learn more about Help for Women Under Stress in this 2-minute video:

The Alcorns with MaggieAs I share in the first chapter, Nanci and I wrote this book after experiencing a fair amount of stress ourselves. Since then, we’ve faced a great deal more stress—including disease and surgeries, lawsuits and job loss—but also more joys from the hands of our God of grace and providence. Now more than ever, we can say: “In my distress I called upon the LORD; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears” (Psalm 18:6).

We hope this new release of Help For Women Under Stress will provide a deeper understanding of how stress impacts your life—and how God uses stress to draw us to himself and to encourage us to make necessary changes. (As the thirsty seek water, those under stress often seek God.)

If you’d like to read an excerpt, you can download chapter 2 from the book ("Stress: What's It All About?") and take the stress quiz to find out how stress is affecting your life.

From Eternal Perspective Ministries

Help for Women Under StressStress. It’s part of our everyday lives, sometimes as the spark that keeps us moving forward and sometimes as the avalanche that threatens to bury us. Chances are, since this book’s title has caught your eye, you are looking for some relief from stress, or at least hope that relief is possible.

In this thoroughly revised and updated edition of Help for Women Under Stress originally published in 1986, Randy and Nanci offer you both the hope and the help you are looking for. They not only help you understand what stress is and how it operates, but give plenty of useful tips and strategies for bringing peace to the chaos of your daily life.

Your energy is perishable, but can be daily replenished. Don’t waste your life in unnecessary and unwise responses to stress. Let this book help you live in a way that honors God and your loved ones, while understanding and respecting your limits.

Available from EPM

paperback  $9.99 (retail $14.99)

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries
