Are All Sins Equal?

When I first became a Christian I was repeatedly taught “All sins are alike to God.” While there is some truth in this, there is also much untruth. All sin is bad, of course—all sin crucified Jesus. But is all sin the same to God?

In her latest video, [former] EPM staffer Julia (Stager) Mayo offers a very balanced and biblical perspective on whether or not the Bible presents all sins as equal. In my opinion, her insights are on target. I think we can all benefit from them.

On a related subject, in this blog I address the question of whether sexual sins in general, or homosexual sins in particular, are worse than other sins.

I want to say a heartfelt thanks to Julia for saying “yes” when I asked her to start recording these videos. I think she has done an amazing job. Check out the videos she’s already done. You could base a series of discussions and Bible studies around these videos, or show them in a church or small group. I think they’re outstanding. (Thanks, Julia, for being a faithful student of God’s Word!)


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Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries
