When We Lose Sight of Heaven, Our North Star

In his book The Eclipse of Heaven, theology professor A. J. Conyers argues that until recently the doctrine of Heaven was enormously important to the church. Belief in Heaven was not just a nice auxiliary sentiment. It was a central, life-sustaining conviction. Sadly, even for countless Christians, that is no longer true.

Heaven has fallen off our radar screens. How can we set our hearts on Heaven when we have an impoverished theology of Heaven? How can we expect our children to be excited about Heaven—or to stay excited about it when they grow up? Why do we talk so little about Heaven? And why is the little we have to say so vague and lifeless?

In this video clip, I share how Heaven should be our North Star, reminding us where we are and which direction to go:

For more on the New Earth, see Randy’s book Heaven. You can also browse our additional resources on Heaven.

Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries
