Creativity, Theology, the New Earth, and This Year’s Canvas Conference (It’s Not Too Late to Register!)

I highly recommend you attend or send someone to the Canvas Conference coming up August 11-12, 2017 in Portland, Oregon. I spoke at last year’s conference, and it was incredibly refreshing to see young creatives assemble in a place where God was exalted, sound doctrine elevated, and the local church uplifted. This is a great and unique conference on both creativity and theology:

We want those attending the Canvas Conference to walk away better artist-theologians and better theologian-artists.  Through our time together, we want to grow deeper in our relationship with the Lord and to understand our place in his kingdom with greater clarity.  We want to show how each of us can reveal God’s image and how he transforms us into the perfect image of his Son, Jesus Christ.  We want every act of our creativity—from writing to painting, from music to parenting—to be enhanced by the reality of the gospel, the hope it affords, and the future it offers.  In short, we want to be worship.  We want to worship with you.  And we want to worship God in a way that changes everything about us and everything we create.

Propaganda, my grandson Jake Stump, Sho Baraka, and me at the Humble Beast studio in Portland:

Propaganda, Jake, Sho Baraka, and Randy

Here’s Jake watching Propaganda do a filming at the Humble Beast studio:

Jake watching Propaganda do a filming

The Canvas Conference is put on by Humble Beast, a nonprofit group whose goal, as a group of creatives, pastors, writers, theologians, and musicians, is to “leverage their talents to see the Gospel go out into the community and transform lives.” I highly recommend this excellent 10-minute video from Thomas Terry, the founder and director of Humble Beast, on the relationship between theology and the arts.

Also, here’s a clip titled “What Creative Acts Will We Be Doing on the New Earth?” from my interview last year.

(You can watch the full interview, “Creativity in the New Creation,” on our site.)

Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixty books and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries
