How Is Are You Living the Good Life? Different from Giving Is the Good Life?

Are You Living the Good Life? is a 96-page booklet mostly derived from the book Giving Is the Good Life. It highlights some of the key concepts from the larger book and presents them in an easy-to-read format, making the booklet ideal for churches and individuals who would like to share the heart of the message in Giving Is the Good Life in a much shorter form. (In fact, its brevity and inclusion of elements spread throughout the larger book give it a different feel.) It also includes the gospel and makes a wonderful evangelistic tool, since the idea of finding “the good life” is appealing to everyone.

Giving Is the Good Life explores the bad and good news about money, and how they’re connected to the abundant life Jesus offers us, in much more depth. It also includes many giving stories that will inspire readers to embrace a life of generosity.

So while the book and booklet are related, they are distinct from each other and can be used in different ways. Someone reading the booklet might be drawn toward the longer book in order to go deeper. Someone reading the book might use the booklet to share the core message with those who are pressed for time or not prone to read whole books.