Our Recap of 2015, and Looking Ahead to 2016

Hope you enjoy this recap of our ministry’s past year, and our plans for the coming one. Happy New Year! —Randy

Randy’s 5 Most Read Blog Posts of 2015

A Plea to Christian Men - “Recently, in the wake of yet another Christian leader found to have committed immorality, Tim Challies posted a response, actually a plea to Christian men, written by his wife Aileen. I found it both concise and powerful.”

Pastoral Reflections on Gay Marriage: A Series of Five Short Videos – “Much has been said presenting a Christian response to same sex marriage. I’ve posted in previous blogs some excellent perspectives from others. But I haven’t heard anything better than the five brief videos below from Dan Franklin.”

Some Thoughts for Those Who Are Considering Divorce – “This is NOT an attack piece on the divorced. It is written for the many believers who may be considering a divorce too soon because it is a cultural norm.”

The One Thing My Daughter Remembered Most about My Parenting – “Some years ago, I sat with my daughters at a wonderful father/daughter banquet at our church. Someone at the table asked my youngest daughter, Angela, what I’d done that made the biggest impression on her.”

Should We Leave Our Children Inheritances? – “I think in order to understand the principle behind Proverbs 13:22, we need to compare what an inheritance meant in biblical times, versus what an inheritance means in this culture today. “

Randy’s 5 Bestselling Books through EPM’s Store in 2015

The Treasure Principle - God owns everything. I'm His money manager. What I call my money is really His. The question is, what does He want me to do with His money?

The Purity Principle - Impurity will always destroy us; purity always leads to higher pleasures! Choose wisely.

Why ProLife? - Infused with grace and compassion, and grounded in medical science and psychological studies, Randy Alcorn presents a solid case for defending both unborn children and their mothers.

Managing God’s Money - God cares a great deal more about our money than most of us imagine. The sheer enormity of Scripture’s teaching on this subject screams for our attention.

God’s Promise of Happiness - We know that we’ll experience unimaginable joy and happiness in Heaven, but that doesn’t mean we can’t also experience joy and happiness here on earth.

5 of the Many Ministry Projects We Supported through Book Royalties in 2015

Hope for Orphans – Support and training for Korean and Cuban orphanages.

Run Ministries – Iraqi refugee relief efforts.

Far Reaching Ministries - Chaplain Cadet training in South Sudan.

Elisha Foundation - Biblical encouragement for families of special needs kids.

Biblica - Equipping Chinese house churches with biblical resources.

5 of EPM’s Plans for 2016

Post more resources for those who read and speak other languages. We hope to impact more readers worldwide with resources about Heaven, giving, happiness, and more.

Spread Randy’s writing and teaching on the biblical truth about happiness. Through his books Happiness and God’s Promise of Happiness, blog posts, a DVD series on happiness, and a limited number of speaking engagements, we want to share the joyful news of God’s call for us to delight in Him.

Impact more prisoners through our book ministry. Each year, EPM sends thousands of Randy’s books to inmates in facilities across the United States. In 2015 alone we sent over 6,400 books. This outreach to those who are often forgotten by society is bearing much fruit for the kingdom! 

Connect more individuals to Bible-believing churches. Randy believes it’s essential for people to find Christ-centered churches to help them in their spiritual growth. In 2015, we sent referrals to 46 individuals seeking to find a church home.

Reach more people with Randy’s teaching about the importance of an eternal perspective. Through social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, we have the opportunity to provide free resources on Heaven, sexual purity, suffering, and other topics that will help readers in their walk with Christ.

Would you like to join us in impacting eternity in 2016? Learn more.

Photo credit: Joshua Earle via Unsplash
