- The Growing Debate About the Abortifacient Effect of the Birth Control Pill and the Principle of Double Effect by Walt Larimore, MD
- Postfertilization Effects of Oral Contraceptives and Their Relationship to Informed Consent by Walt Larimore, MD and Joseph Stanford, MD, MSPH
- Birth Control Pill: Abortifacient and Contraceptive (Signed by 26 ProLife Doctors) by William F. Colliton, M.D.
- The Impact of the Pill on Implantation Factors—New Research Findings by John Wilks, B.Pharm. MPS MACPP

What has the reaction been to your research on the birth control pill?
In this six minute audio clip, Randy Alcorn answers the question, "What has the reaction been to your research on the birth control pill?"