What is the difference between Randy's books on money and giving?
Managing God's Money Pastor's Kit 
- A complimentary copy of Randy Alcorn's book Managing God's Money
- An informational brochure listing the many other resources Randy has made available for those teaching on the subject of money
To request a Pastor's Kit, please contact EPM. Offer valid for continental U.S. addresses only.
Study Guide
- Printable PDF version: study guide | study guide with leader's guide
- Text-only version
Promotional Materials for Church Studies
Managing God's Money 8 ½ x 11 poster (PDF with text field for class details)
- Managing God's Money 4 1/4 x 5 1/2 bulletin insert (PDF with text field for class details)
Sermon Series Materials
These materials for a five-week sermon series called "40 Days of Money" based on Randy’s book Managing God's Money were created by Conrad Dueck, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Emo, Ontario, Canada. He says, “I pray that God is glorified, pastors are helped in the difficult job of sermon prep, and people begin (or continue) to view God’s money correctly”.
- Promotional Flyer (PDF with space to add weekly dates and church service time(s) and contact information)
- Weekly Reading Schedule (PDF with daily devotional reading topics and page references from Managing God's Money for the five-week series)
- Sermon Manuscripts, highlighted for use with the Powerpoint slides
- Week 1-Understanding God's Money
- Week 2-Earning God's Money
- Week 3-Spending God's Money
- Week 4-Giving God's Money
- Week 5-Teaching God's Money
- Powerpoint slides for each week's sermon
- Kids note pages for sermons. Each document has two versions, for both older and younger kids.
- Wallet Giving Card
- Title Deed
- Give From Your Heart 6-week curriculum on financial stewardship from Bethlehem College & Seminary (John Piper)
- Randy Alcorn talking about his book Managing God's Money (audio)
- How would you encourage pastors in the face of materialism and consumerism? (audio)
- What are the dangers of materialism? (audio)
- What's your view on giving to get? (audio)
- Why does God care about how we use our money? (audio)
- Do you think the younger generation will learn to be givers? (audio)
- Browse all of our resources on money and giving that pastors can use for study or distribute to their churches.
Theology of Money DVD Class
The class Randy Alcorn taught at Western Seminary is available in its entirety on DVD.
The Theology of Money Class explores the biblical doctrine of money and possessions, with special emphasis on using them to have an impact on eternity. With a view toward God's glory and eternal rewards, it includes practical application and attention to the stewardship of money in churches, families, and in personal lifestyle choices.
Set of 6 DVDs with 12 one-hour class sessions; $19.99 plus shipping and handling.
Order the DVD and access free class resources.
Disk 5 |
Disk 6 |
Resources for Teaching Children and Youth
- Training Your Children to Manage Money (article by Randy Alcorn)
- Download resources for Teaching Middle School Students about Money
(from www.threerules.org)
Handouts (PDF)
Study Guide (PDF)
- Download High school small group curriculum titled "What's God Got to Do with It?"
(from www.threerules.org)
Handouts (PDF)
Study Guide (PDF)