Are There Any Birth Control Pills that Don't Have the Potential of Causing an Abortion? article - Randy Alcorn Combination pills contain both estrogen and progestins.
Do You Have Any Info on If Tri-Phasil Prevents Conception or If It Just Prevents Implantation? article - Cathy Ramey Tri-Phasil is, like all of the combination oral contraceptive pills, effective through three mechanisms of action.
Does Seasonale Birth Control Pill Act as an Abortifacient like Other Pills? article - Cathy Ramey Seasonale is a product made through Barr Laboratories. It is a “birth control” pill that contains both estrogen and progestin. It functions no differently than other pills except that there are no placebo pills to be taken during a thirty-day cycle.
Does the Patch Cause Abortions, and Where Can I Find More Information About It? article - Cathy Ramey Like the Pill it also functions to prevent or end a pregnancy in three ways.
Abortifacient Effect of the Birth Control Pill article - Walter L. Larimore, MD This resource is available from the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity: The Pill: Addressing the Scientific and Ethical Questions of the Abortifacient Issue
Birth Control Pill: Abortifacient and Contraceptive article - William F. Colliton, Jr., M.D., FACOG has become glaringly apparent that now is the time for us, as an organization, to sail into the dangerous and uncharted waters that we have, perhaps intentionally, avoided. These are the “waters” of prolife principles as they relate to fertility control.