Let’s Be Clear What We Do and Do Not Mean When It Comes to Terms Like Gender Equality

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
The fact that a term or phrase can be used by one person one way, and mean something completely different to another person, is nothing new. But as people who believe that words matter—because God communicated to us using precise words, right down to the smallest jot and tittle—we as Christians should be especially thoughtful in how we use terms, and educate ourselves about what others mean when they use them.

Cultural Relativism, Even in the Face of Human Sacrifice

article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog
Relativism dominates the thinking of most educated people (which means sometimes that uneducated people are morally smarter). The “it all depends” morality, controversial fifty years ago when called situational ethics, denies the existence of any objective standards of right and wrong. What’s wrong for one person, so it insists, may be right for another. One uses internal, not external, standards to judge morality.