Can You Lose Your Salvation and What Does 2 Peter 2 Say About This? audio - Randy Alcorn In this audio clip, Randy answers a question about salvation.
God’s Offer of Forgiveness and Freedom video - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog God’s greatest gift is Himself. We not only need salvation—we need the Savior, and He has a name: Jesus (which means “God saves”).
I’ve Made So Many Mistakes in My Life…How Can I Ever Be Free from All This Guilt? article - Randy Alcorn It’s counterproductive to try to eliminate guilt feelings without dealing with guilt’s cause. Only by denying reality can you avoid guilt feelings. You need a permanent solution to your guilt problem, a solution based on reality, not pretense.
A Road Guide to Heaven article - Randy Alcorn If you want to get somewhere, guesswork is a poor strategy. The goal of getting to Heaven is worthy of greater advanced planning than we’d give to any other journey.
Looking for Happiness? The Good News of Christ’s Offer of Salvation article - Randy Alcorn What could be more happy-making than knowing the God of happiness, who grants us eternal life and happiness in Christ?
Do You Have Some Tips for Clearly Sharing the Gospel? article - Randy Alcorn I’d say to pray daily for him and especially for your times together. Feeling a bit uncertain is good in that it encourages dependence on the Holy Spirit, which is exactly what you need when sharing the gospel.
Finding Forgiveness and Freedom after Abortion article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog Millions of women and men, both in society and in the church, are suffering under the guilt of abortion. If you’re a woman who’s had an abortion, or advised another to have one, this blog is for you. If you’re a man who’s been involved in an abortion decision—whether it concerned your girlfriend, wife, daughter, or anyone—it’s also for you.
Encouragement to Not Give up on Those in Cults article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog I hope the following story will encourage you not to give up on people who are Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons or anyone who is part of a pseudo-Christian or non-Christian cult or group.
Is Accepting Jesus as Savior Really the Only Way to Be Saved? article - Julia (Stager) Mayo Question from a reader: Many people say there is only one way to Heaven by accepting Jesus Christ as personal Savior, but then they default to several other ways (young age, mental illness, being born in Israel, keeping sacrificial requirements of the law) and make excuses when cornered. Is believing in Jesus really the ONLY way?
What Gospel Are We Preaching? video - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn talks about the dangers of presenting the Christian life and gospel as boring. This video clip was excerpted from Randy's Eternity 101 DVD class.
What About People Who Never Hear the Gospel? video - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn talks about how people have come to faith in Christ through dreams and visions when no person has shared the gospel with them. God is able to save anyone, but that doesn't mean there's no reason to share the gospel. This video clip was excerpted from Randy's Eternity 101 DVD class.
The Salvation of Infants and Children video - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn talks about the salvation of infants and children and recommends "The Spiritual Condition of Infants: A Biblical-Historical Survey and Systematic Proposal" by Adam Harwood. This video clip was excerpted from Randy's Eternity 101 DVD class.
Matthew 7:13 - The Narrow Gate video - Randy Alcorn Randy Alcorn talks about Matthew 7:13 and if this verse has implications for infants and those who cannot make a conscious choice to follow Christ. This video clip was excerpted from Randy's Eternity 101 DVD class.
Thoughts about John Lennon, His Death, and the Ray Comfort Video Genius article - Randy Alcorn Randy's blog December 8 is the anniversary of John Lennon’s death. He died 32 years ago. I’m going to end by linking you to a fascinating new video that talks about John Lennon and much more.
Do You Believe a Person Can Be a Practicing Homosexual and Be Saved? article - Randy Alcorn Do I believe a Christian can sin, and even live in sin for a time? Yes. Do I believe that a Christian can be disobedient to God? Of course. But I would say that homosexual relations are an abomination to God.