Can You Offer Any Encouragement for Navigating the Process of Adoption?

Question from a reader:

I’m very discouraged as we have been trying to adopt for quite some time and keep facing major setbacks, especially related to finances. Do you have any words of encouragement?

Answer from Linda Jeffries, former EPM staff:

It’s heartbreaking to hear about the delays and disappointments you have experienced in your adoption process. We may not be able to understand all that you have experienced, but I can assure you that God does. He has purpose in all things. I’m reminded of something Pastor John Piper said at a conference. “God is doing a thousand things that we do not know and cannot see.” You can be certain that He is at work. So often we want God to follow our time schedule, not knowing that He knows what is best for us.

Money may not be what is standing in the way of you and your child. It may be something else God is waiting for to take place. Remember God can do anything and if He should decide He wants your child to come home next month, He could make that happen.

I am familiar with how you are feeling. I am an adoptive mother myself. I was a stay a home mom. My husband worked as an entry level bank teller. We had no money in the bank. We just asked the Lord for wisdom, direction and blessings. It didn’t always come the way I thought it would or should, but it eventually did. He provided in so many ways beyond just money.

I would encourage you to keep your focus on the blessings that God has already given you and not look at what others may have that you do not. Many of God’s promises in the Bible did not happen overnight. God tells us to be patient and to trust him and to not be jealous or envious. I know you are learning valuable lessons during this trial. I pray God will show you his plan in His time.

The following are some resources you may find helpful:



I hope the above has been helpful and/or an encouragement to you. God bless you and your family.
