Leading a church community, caring for your family and friends, and finding time for rest can be a challenge for pastors. Randy Alcorn recognizes and understands the tremendous weight you carry as a pastor.
To encourage you and grow your knowledge, EPM offers pastors kits on the many different subjects of Randy's books. Pastors may contact EPM to request a free kit.
Offer valid for continental U.S. addresses only.
Below are the pastor's kits we have available.
Grace and Truth Paradox Pastor's Kit
- A copy of The Grace and Truth Paradox book
- An informational brochure with a note from Randy Alcorn
- View: Randy Alcorn speaking on the subject of grace and truth
View more related resources.
hand in Hand Pastor's Kit 
- A free copy of hand in Hand: The Beauty of God's Sovereignty and Meaningful Human Choice
- An informational brochure with a note from Randy Alcorn
View more related resources.
Happiness Pastor's Kit 
- The small book God’s Promise of Happiness, in which Randy Alcorn shares select passages and Scripture from the larger Happiness book.
- An informational brochure
- View: God's Offer of Happiness in Christ, a message from Randy Alcorn, shared with the staff of Faithlife.
- Print: Wallet Cards on the topic of Happiness (free PDF download)
View more related resources.
Heaven Pastor's Kit 
- A Heaven: Biblical Answers To Common Questions booklet. This 60-page booklet is a perfect supplement to provide for those attending funerals or memorial services and includes the gospel message.
- A Heaven Tract
- An informational brochure listing the many other resources Randy has made available for those teaching on the subject of Heaven.
- View: Randy Alcorn speaking to pastors about Heaven
View more related resources.
If God Is Good Pastor's Kit 
- A complimentary copy of Randy Alcorn's If God Is Good: Why Do We Hurt? booklet
- An informational brochure listing the many other resources Randy has made available for those teaching on the subject of evil and suffering
- View: Randy Alcorn speaking on evil and suffering
- Print: Wallet cards to encourage through evil and suffering (free PDF download)
View more related resources.
Managing God's Money Pastor's Kit
- A complimentary copy of Randy Alcorn's book Managing God's Money
- An informational brochure listing the many other resources Randy has made available for those teaching on the subject of money
- Print: Wallet Giving Card (Free PDF download)
View more related resources.
Money, Possessions, and Eternity for Pastors
- A complimentary copy of Randy Alcorn's book Money, Possessions and Eternity
- An informational brochure to pastors from Randy Alcorn
View more related resources.
ProLife Answers to ProChoice Arguments for Pastors
- A complimentary copy of Randy Alcorn's book ProLife Answers to ProChoice Arguments
- An informational brochure to pastors from Randy Alcorn
View more related resources.
The Purity Principle Pastor's Kit
- A complimentary copy of Randy Alcorn's book The Purity Principle
- An informational brochure listing the many other resources Randy has made available for those teaching on the subject of sexual purity
- View: Randy Alcorn speaking about sexual purity
- Print: Wallet Card on sexual purity (free PDF download)
View more related resources.
The Treasure Principle Pastor's Kit
- A complimentary copy of Randy Alcorn's book The Treasure Principle
- An informational brochure listing the many other resources Randy has made available for those teaching on the subject of money
- View: Randy Alcorn speaking on The Treasure Principle
- Print: Wallet Giving Card (mentioned in The Treasure Principle book, free PDF download)
View more related resources.
Why ProLife? Pastor's Kit
- A copy of Randy Alcorn's book Why ProLife?
- An informational brochure listing the many other resources Randy has made available for those teaching on the subject of prolife.
- View: Randy Alcorn speaking on the sanctity of human life
View more related resources.